
Kindergarten readiness

Kindergarten readiness refers to the level of preparedness that a child has for starting kindergarten, including their academic, social, emotional, and physical abilities. It involves a range of skills and abilities that children need to be successful in the early years of formal education. Some of the key components of kindergarten readiness include:

  • Early literacy skills: recognizing letters, sounds, and basic sight words
  • Numeracy skills: counting, recognizing numbers, and understanding basic mathematical concepts
  • Social-emotional development: being able to follow rules and routines, making friends, and expressing emotions appropriately
  • Physical development: fine motor skills (e.g. using scissors, holding a pencil), gross motor skills (e.g. jumping, running), and hand-eye coordination
  • Independence: completing tasks on their own, such as putting on a jacket or using the bathroom.

Parents and teachers play an important role in helping children prepare for kindergarten by providing opportunities for learning and development through play and School Analytics, structured activities, and experiences. By focusing on these areas, children will enter kindergarten ready and confident, which sets the foundation for a successful academic career.