
Academic Literacy

Academic literacy refers to the ability to use general reading, writing, and critical-thinking abilities and tactics in a variety of courses. But its scope is later than that as it may include literacy required for advanced learning, such as quantitative skills, cognitive skill training, cross-cultural communication, information literacy, and using technology as a learning, Learning Management System, aid, which might be included in academic literacy. Students improve their academic literacy in college by building on their earlier experiences and learning more advanced reading, writing, and learning skills and methods.

Academic literacy can further include:

  • Recognize a variety of academic jargon in context;
  • Perceive connotation, wordplay, and ambiguity and interpret and apply metaphor and idiom.
  • Recognize the connections between various elements of a text;
  • Understanding the logical progression of (an academic) work from introductions to conclusions, as well as how to utilise language to connect the various parts of a book;
  • Interpret various types of literature (genres) and demonstrate attention to the content they communicate and the audience they are aimed at;
  • Interpret, utilise, and create data in a graphic or visual format;
  • Make distinctions between important and non-essential information, fact and opinion, assertions and arguments; differentiate between cause and effect, classify, categorize, and handle material that allows for comparisons and more.