

A lesson is a set of instructions with the objective of teaching someone something! Lessons are, of course, most commonly employed in schools. There are numerous approaches to teaching anything.

The following is a lesson format that you might use:

1. Include an AIM in your lesson. The goal is a statement that explains what you, the instructor, hope to accomplish with this lesson, such as “to examine with students alternative approaches to reduce school greenhouse emissions.”

2. OBJECTIVES are what you want pupils to accomplish by the end of the lesson. You might have two or three goals, such as “for pupils to comprehend how the School Analytics electricity use affects the greenhouse effect.”

3. Make a list of the RESOURCES REQUIRED to properly teach the lesson. Coloured pens, handouts, chalk, a CD player, and other items may be required.

4. The stage of ORIENTATION is crucial. This is where you may potentially pique students’ attention and motivate them to learn more. You may begin with a quiz, a personal tale, or even a word game like hangman at this point.

6. It is your obligation as a teacher to ensure that students have learned what you hoped they would (your objectives!). This happens during the REVISION stage. A simple quiz or a more formal test could be used. You may invite pupils to come out in front and demonstrate what they’ve learned!

7. Students may be given homework to assist them recall some of the main topics of your session. Make homework enjoyable and fascinating. Make it as short as possible.