
Augmented Reality (AR) in Education

In classrooms, augmented reality (AR) is gaining popularity throughout the world. Educators can use augmented reality (AR) to improve learning results by increasing engagement and interactivity. And that’s only the beginning. Even when compared to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality offers some surprising advantages.

AR in the Classroom Requirements:

For practically any class, a basic AR setup might include:

  • Access to the internet connection
  • Mobile phones (i.e. smartphones or tablets)
  • Educational Apps that use augmented reality
  • “Triggers” or “Markers are images, objects, locations, and/or actions that trigger an action on the device screen via the AR app

There are many advantages of augmented reality (AR) in the education sector. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Learning material accessibility: Learning materials may be accessed at any time and from any location through the AR platform. It provides learning products that are both portable and affordable. Paper textbooks, physical models, posters, and written manuals might all be replaced with augmented reality. 
  • Effective learning method: AR in education helps students in achieving better results by giving them an immersive experience in the subject matter. Rather than just reading a theory about something, students may experience it in action with their own eyes. This leads to a better understanding and retention of the subject matter.
  • Inexpensive: There is no need for any specific equipment. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality does not necessitate the purchase of pricey hardware. Usually, content can be accessed through AR-enabled mobile applications. learning more about School Management System.